Terms & Conditions
We are here to provide you with fantastic handmade products and not endless terms and conditions. However, there are a few things that we need to tell you.
The name of our business is Elite Stable Signs
You can also contact us by emailing info@elitestablesigns.co.uk
The products that we sell online are personalised for you using the information that you provide. Therefore, the information requested when you order must be filled in accurately by yourself and we cannot be held responsible for any mistakes you make when ordering your item(s).
It is not normally possible to cancel orders you have placed especially for personalised products but if you contact us quickly enough we will do our best to cancel your order.
By using our website we ask you not to upload any images that are under copyright without the copyright holder’s permission in writing and do not attempt to upload any obscene or objectionable images or text. We may have to cancel your order and refund your payment if such images or text are sent to us. We also ask you to backup any images that you send us, please make sure that you have the permission from third parties to allow us to use their names and contact details.
By submitting an order, you confirm that you have obtained permission from the concerned third party to use their details for this purpose.
All prices are subject to change at our discretion
If your order arrives with defects or is damaged in transit, we will replace it, whenever possible, free of charge or refund your money. If you need to return goods, please contact us within three working days of receipt of your order with details of the complaint.
You agree to indemnify us against any claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses (including legal fees) arising out of your use of this site or our products or products provided by a third party.
These terms are subject to the laws of England and the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
None of the above terms and conditions affects your statutory consumer rights.
Our business is based on giving you a fantastic and friendly service and we hope you enjoy our products.
Updated November 2023